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 Class 4: Flammable Solids
(Flammable solids ; Substances liable to spontaneous combustion ; Substances which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases)

Class 4 consists of substances that are not classified as chemicals and flammable. Class 4 is classified as below.
4.1 Flammable solids A solid which is steadily combustible, or may cause/contribute towards fire through friction. A self-reactive or related substance which is liable to undergo a strongly exothermic reaction. A desensitized explosive where the explosive properties have been suppressed.
4.2 Spontaneously combustible A substance which is liable to spontaneous combustion under conditions met in carriage or liable to self-heating when in contact with air, and liable to catch fire.
4.3 Dangerous when wet A substance which in contact with water is liable to become spontaneously combustible or to give off a flammable gas

* Solid means dangerous article that is not liquid(excluding gas)

* Self-reactive substance is a substance that may undergo exothermic self accelerating decomposition without air, thus unstable regarding heat.

* Solid desensitized explosives is a solid that is damped by water or alcohol or diluted by other substances to restrain its explosiveness.

* Pyrophoric substance is a substance that will ignite spontaneously within 5 minutes in air.

* Self-heating substances is a substance that will heat in air without other energy supply.